Events & Courses
The Arm Clinic educational evenings aim to provide up-to-date information on upper limb disorders.
Our events are for targeted to Therapists, General Practitioners and Sports Physicians.
The meetings are informal and friendly, with an opportunity to discuss difficult cases with our surgeons and specialist physiotherapists.
All events are held at The Wilmslow Hospital, 52 Alderley Rd, Cheshire SK9 1NY, where a buffet dinner, refreshments and certificates of attendance are provided.
For information on our forthcoming educational events or to book a place, get in touch via [email protected] or contact us here.
Upcoming Meetings
Friday 27 March 2020
CANCELLED: The Acromioclavicular Joint - Injuries, Arthritis, Osteolysis & Instability
- Professor Lennard Funk -
Friday 1 May 2020
CANCELLED: Shoulder Hot Topics
- Mr Michael Walton -
Friday 15 May 2020
Upper Limb Lumps and Bumps
- Professor Lennard Funk & Mr Amit Kumar -
Friday 10 July 2020
- Professor Adam Watts -
Friday 25 September 2020
- Mr Michael Walton -
Friday 23 October 2020
- Professor Adam Watts -
Friday 27 November 2020
- Professor Lennard Funk -
Previous Meetings
28 February 20
Biologics In Shoulder Surgery
Guest Lecturers: Mr Michael Walton
29 November 19
Elbow & Wrist Instability
Guest Lecturers: Professor Adam Watts
18 October 19
Radiology: When, Why, How
Guest Lecturers: Mr Michael Walton & Dr Shubhasis Basu
27 September 19
Professor Lennard Funk - Scapula Pain
Guest Lecturers: Professor Lennard Funk
24 May 19
Mr Walton - An Introduction to Principals of Shoulder Arthroplasty & Julia Walton - Rehab of Shoulder Arthroplasty
Guest Lecturers: Mr Michael Walton & Mrs Julia Walton
26 April 19
An Update on Rotator Cuff Tears
Guest Lecturers: Professor Lennard Funk & Dr Tanya MacKenzie
29 March 19
Sports Specific Elbow Diagnoses
Guest Lecturers: Professor Adam Watts & Mrs Jill Thomas
15 February 19
Optimising Post-Operative Care
Guest Lecturers: Professor Lennard Funk, Mr Jonathan Smith, Dr Toni Hundle & Dr Axel Sylvan
18 January 19
Shoulder Hot Topics Special
Guest Lecturers: Mr Michael Walton
30 November 18
Nerve Disorders Of The Upper Limb
Guest Lecturers: Professor Adam Watts
26 October 18
Rotator Cuff - Tendinopathy to Arthropathy
Guest Lecturers: Mr Michael Walton
28 September 18
Upper Limb Instability
Guest Lecturers: Mr Michael Walton, Professor Adam Watts, Mrs Julia Walton, Mrs Jill Thomas
29 June 18
BESS Update
Guest Lecturers: Professor Adam Watts
15 June 18
End-Stage Rehab
Guest Lecturers: Professor Lennard Funk, Mr Doug Jones, Dr Lee Herrington & Mrs Rachael Dawe
23 March 18
Upper Limb Anatomy
Guest Lecturers: Prof Watts
23 February 18
Understanding Imaging: How to Interpret the Scan
Guest Lecturers: Prof Bhatti, Dr Dunn and Dr Basu
26 January 18
Differential diagnosis, Clinical examination and special tests
Guest Lecturers: Mr Puneet Monga, Mr Mike Walton, Dr Tanya Mackenzie and Prof Adam Watts
27 October 17
Why does my shoulder hurt? Physiology of chronic shoulder pain
Guest Lecturers: Mr Mike Walton, Dr Abdul Lahlken and Mr Richmond Stace
29 September 17
Sport Specific Rehabilitation - Principles and Practice
Guest Lecturers: Mr Walton, Dr Mackenzie & Mr Darren Roberts
02 June 17
Beyond the Arm : Managing the Whole Athlete
Guest Lecturers: Dr Leon Creaney and Dr John Rogers
28 April 17
Arthritis - Conservative and Surgical Management
Guest Lecturers: Mr Monga and Dr Mackenzie
31 March 17
Atraumatic Instability
Guest Lecturers: Mr Walton, Dr Mackenzie, Mrs Walton
24 February 17
Practical Session with Patient Demos
27 May 16
Hypermobility and Atraumatic Instability
Guest Lecturers: Mr Monga, Prof Funk, Dr Mackenzie and Dr Chitale
29 April 16
The Stiff Shoulder
Guest Lecturers: Mr Mike Walton, Mr Puneet Monga, Mrs Julia Walton & Dr Tanya Mackenzie
18 March 16
Wrist Pain - Making the Diagnosis
Guest Lecturers: Prof Adam Watts & Mr CY Ng
29 January 16
Which Scans & When? Ultrasound Workshop
24 November 15
The Enigmatic Biceps; in Health and Disease
Guest Lecturers: Mr Puneet Monga; Prof Adam Watts; Mr Mike Walton; Dr Tanya Mackenzie
30 October 15
Upper Limb Fractures
Guest Lecturers: Mr CY Ng; Mr Mike Walton; Prof Adam Watts
25 September 15
Update on Rehabilitation of the Elbow
Guest Lecturers: Prof Adam Watts & Mrs Jill Thomas
28 August 15
Anaesthesia and Pain Management for Shoulder Surgery - What Physios & GPs need to know.
Guest Lecturers: Prof Lennard Funk, Dr Toni Hundle, Dr Emma Torrance, Mrs Linda Hallam
31 July 15
Current Concepts in Scapula Winging
30 June 15
Updates from BESS
29 May 15
Shoulder Instability- Anatomy, Classification, Management and Rehab
24 April 15
Upper Limb Examination and Diagnosis
27 March 15
Shoulder injections –When? Why? Who?
07 February 14
Chronic Shoulder Pain
Guest Lecturers: Abdul Lalkhen, Consultant Pain Specialist, Salford Royal Hospital & Chris Littlewood, NIHR Doctoral Research Physiotherapist, Sheffield University
09 December 13
The role of isokinetics in the upper limb
Guest Lecturers: Sean Sankey, Msc, PGCert TLHE, FHEA, CSCS - Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science, Engineering, Sport and Sciences - University of Bolton
11 October 13
Atraumatic Nerve Disorders of the Shoulder
12 August 13
Upper Limb Trauma
07 June 13
Complications of Upper Limb Surgery
08 April 13
Upper Limb Arthroplasty
08 February 13
"Snapping" Upper Limb Joints
12 October 12
Diagnosis: What investigations and when?
10 August 12
Sports Injuries of the Upper Limb
08 June 12
Neurological Conditions of the Upper Limb
20 April 12
Upper Limb Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults
10 February 12
Treatment of Stiffness in the Upper Limb
09 December 11
Degenerative Upper Limb Disorders